White Wolf Howling at the Moon Jewelry Holder, Ceramic Dish with WHITE Gold Accents
Owl in Nighttime Forest Jewelry Holder, Ceramic Dish
Bumble Bee with Lavender jewelry dish
Sleeping Fox Jewelry Holder, Ceramic Evergreen Leaf Trinket Dish with Gold Accent
Flowering Rosemary Ceramic Dish with Gold Accents
Autumn Maple Leaf Ceramic Jewelry Dish, Colorful Fall Leaf with Gold Accent
Sleeping Arctic Fox with Frozen Blue Fern Ceramic Dish, Jewelry Holder
Dragonfly Jewelry Dish with Sage Flowers and Gold Accents
Forget-Me-Not Jewelry Holder, Ceramic Dish
Sleeping Bunny on Dandelion Patch Jewelry Dish, Ceramic with Real Gold
Bumble Bee and Herb Garden Jewelry Holder, Ceramic Dish with Gold Accents
Oak Leaf and Acorn Ceramic Jewelry Dish, Colorful Fall Leaves with Gold Accent
Golden Aspen Ceramic Jewelry Dish, Colorful Fall Leaves with Gold Accent
Hummingbird and Ground Morning Glory Vine
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme Ceramic Jewelry Dish
Green Sea turtle jewelry dish, ceramic dish with Caribbean blues and gold accents
Hummingbird with Agapanthus Flower, Ceramic Jewelry Dish
Cherry Blossom Jewelry Dish, Ceramic with Gold Accent
Bluebird of Happiness jewelry dish, Ceramic dish with mint sprig and bluebird
Lilac Jewelry Holder, Ceramic Dish with Flower Imprint